Asheboro Boulders Access Celebration Recap
What a day at the Asheboro Boulders Access Celebration!
Huge thanks to everyone who came out! We had an amazing turnout of climbers and key players in land conservation and climbing access, including Michael Leonard and Erin Crouse from The Conservation Fund, Brian Payst (former CCC president), Betsy Roznic from the North Carolina Zoo (current land managers with ownership under the NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources), and Ridges Mountain conservationist and protector of many NC treasured landscapes, Tim Sweeney.
Hearing firsthand about the 20+ year journey to secure access to Asheboro Boulders at Ridges Mountain was truly inspiring. This process, like many of our projects, involved navigating the complexities of conservation, land ownership, and climbing access—work that we are proud to share directly with our community. While many celebrated with us in person, we also recognize those who played a critical role in making this happen, including climbing advocate Mike Dean, Access Fund , and the late Ben and Eunice Crotts, the former landowners who helped make this protection possible.
And we’re just getting started—next up:
See photos from this event here: