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Escape Climbing CCC Member Discount

CCC Members get 20% off most holds/training items, and up to 40% off Gear Items like chalk, belay glasses, and headlamps at

Steps for your Escape Climbing discount:
1) Must be a current member of the CCC (Use this link to check your status). Take a Screenshot of your CCC status (help for various devices here)
2) Fill out this short Escape Climbing Pro-Deal App 
3) In the "Qualifications" box of the app, enter "Current Member of CCC" 
4) Click the "Choose Files" box to upload the Screenshot of your Membership Status
5) Your account will be approved and you can shop the Escape Climbing website! 
6) Be sure to tell your friends to support local climbing by joining the CCC!  
If you have any issues, please contact James Loveridge at