We will post official closure info as we receive it from the various authorities. Please respect all area closures! This is critical to maintaining access!
Post Hurricane Helene Accessibility of Crags
Hurricane Helene has had such a profound effect on WNC, Upstate SC, Southwest VA, Eastern TN, and beyond. Our focus over the first two weeks of Hurricane Helene was been on immediate needs of communities in our region. We are now serving our climbing areas and getting them accessible again.
Panthertown Valley Bear Canisters
If you are camping in Panthertown, serving places like Laurel Knob and Big Green, please store your food in a bear canister. See the USDA closure order attached below. This order does not apply to the base of Laurel Knob on CCC property.
Peregrine Closures, 2023
The Carolina Climbers Coalition work closely with USFS and NC Wildlife Resource Commission biologists each year to ensure that peregrine falcon closures are accurate per eyrie sites, and help balance conservation of the species with reasonable access to climbing destinations. Thank you, climbers, for respecting these USFS closure zones and for helping protect this amazing species.
Hanging Chain Boulders/ No Trespassing
In January 2021, it was brought to Chimney Rock State Park's and Carolina Climbers Coalition's attention that several of the boulder clusters in the Hanging Chain Boulders are on private property. The land manager of the property met with CCC representatives and Chimney Rock State Park staff to discuss property lines in relation to boulders. Chimney Rock State Park has asked boulderers not to boulder in the Hanging Chain Boulders that are on State Park Property. Contact Chimney Rock State Park with questions about this.
Bradley Falls... Access saved!
Fill out your Bradley Falls Restricted Zone Access Agreement!